Tired?  Bloated? Not Feeling like yourself?  4 Things to do This Week to Feel Great

Tired? Bloated? Not Feeling like yourself? 4 Things to do This Week to Feel Great

My 3 oldest children all went to a church camp last month.

My 13-year-old went to a campground in the woods of Indiana called ‘Country Lake’ for 5 days.

My 16 and 18-year-old went to Daytona, Florida for a week to attend “Bible & Beach” which is a wonderful outreach hosted by our church here in Kentucky.

The Middle school camp and the Bible & Beach camp were both amazing weeks filled with God, fun, and fellowship.

Spiritually, these camps have fed our children’s souls and touched their hearts.  Simply wonderful.

When it comes to feeding their bodies, these camps were somewhat lacking.

I totally understand.  They never promise great food.  They don’t even mention the food -except that it is provided.   I can’t imagine trying to feed 1500 people 3 times a day.

What is the easiest way to feed 1500 people? 

Processed food.  It’s easy.  It’s fast.  It’s cheap.

This is how most of the American world eats, so for probably 90% of the kids on the trip they were eating somewhat normal.  My kids noticed the lack of ‘food’ at the meals immediately.

Luckily, at some meals, there were bowls of fruit available (especially in the mornings).

My oldest daughter (16) was eating an apple for breakfast one morning on the beach.  Her friends were stuffing their bellies with bowls of colorful cereal.  This was when the conversation happened.

Daughter:  You know, that’s not food.

Friends:  Huh?

Daughter:  There’s nothing alive in it.  It’s all dead.

Friends:  What do you want us to eat?

Daughter:  Apples, bananas, fruit, vegetables.  That [pointing at the bowl of rainbow cereal] isn’t feeding your body – it’s just making you ‘not hungry.’

My kiddos made it through their week of processed foods and their reaction was surprising.

I didn’t think they’d care.  I didn’t really think they’d notice.

But they did.

All 3 of them noticed a difference in their energy level in the afternoons.  My daughter said everyone was ‘dead’ by 4 pm.

Another observation from the week of processed food was the aftermath.  They all were sick and tired the week they returned home. My 13-year-old had an acid-reflux flare-up that we fought for almost 2 weeks.

Both my daughters asked me to help them recover from the week of food-like substances.

Daughter #1 (16 years old):

“Mom, I’m going to die.”

“I haven’t eaten any food in a week.”

and then she announced, “I’m only eating what you are eating for the next month.”

NOTE:  I am only eating foods that come from my own hands for the summer – food I picked, foraged, raised, grew, milled, etc.  This is something I tend to do… more on that here.

She’s been true to her word.  She joins me at every meal and stuffs herself with eggs, berries, sandwiches on homemade bread, meat and veggies from our farm.

It didn’t take long for her energy to return.

Daughter #2 (13 years old):

My younger daughter (13) isn’t as die-hard as her big sister when it comes to food, but she really hates suffering from acid reflux.  She has fought it since she was a baby.  We control it with a clean diet and Apple Cider Vinegar* (see notes at bottom of the post for more info).

She likes junk-food as much as any teenager but makes an effort to steer away from the forbidden-fruit so she can be pain-free.

Her camp experience had her reflux in full bloom and it took a week of ACV tea and avoiding processed foods before her reflux completely disappeared.

I know that the kids were definitely missing out on sleep and this probably contributed to their ‘sick and tired’ status.  But, I think food plays a huge role in how we feel.

If you want more energy, want to feel better and want to lose some mid-section bloat there is a simple solution.

Eat real food.

If you can picture it in nature and it doesn’t have ingredients – eat it.  Things like eggs, fruit, vegetables, meat, nuts, whole wheat berries (to make your own bread), maple syrup, honey…. literally eat anything that is a real, whole food.

If it is made in a factory, by a company and sold in a box – don’t eat it.

I can tell a difference in my energy level and how I feel in relation to what I’m eating.  Summer is a time that I feel my best and think I can do just about anything.  I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this is also the season when most of my food comes from my yard.

If you haven’t been feeling like yourself, here’s 4 things you can do today to recharge and get clean:

  1. Head to the local farmer’s market.  Plan your meals around fresh, local foods.
  2. Fill your plate with vegetables, leafy greens, and clean meats.
  3. Don’t eat any sugar, store-bought flour or processed food.
  4. Join our Membership Community!  You’ll have immediate access to over 100 Premium posts and recipes.  You’ll learn how to eat, prepare & enjoy groceries from your yard (or the farmers market),  You’ll learn how to make healthy bread like your great-grandma.  Find out more here. 

Returning to clean foods and giving up the processed stuff (including sugar) are simple changes that have fast results.  Your energy level should rise pretty quickly and your body will be happy.

Be sure to join the email list (for free) here.



How We Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Acid Reflux-

Apple Cider Vinegar is a great home-remedy for heartburn or reflux.  Most over-the-counter medications suppress the acid production in the body.  This can cause the body to produce more acid and create an ugly cycle.  Additionally, many of the drugs used to control acid reflux have negative side-effects (like headaches and migraines).  I generally try to stay away from medications.  Anytime my daughter has reflux discomfort she mixes a tablespoon of ACV in warm water with a little honey & drinks it.  It usually takes about 20 minutes for her to feel much better.


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