When You Can’t Afford a Pool – Do This

When You Can’t Afford a Pool – Do This

It gets hot in Kentucky.  It can get humid, sticky, muggy and not so wonderful once summer spring hits.

We don’t have a pool, nor the funds to get one anytime soon.

But, it’s hot, so some water would be nice.

I have an aversion to children lying around the inside of my house if it’s above 50 degrees outside.  I’m an outdoor sort of girl.  Where we live there are woods, creeks, fields, animals, swings, forts, paths, 4-wheelers, motorcycles, barns, berries, gardens, and all sorts of life outdoors waiting to be enjoyed.

Children who are inside playing video games or watching TV (when it’s nice outside) drive me nuts.

Let’s go outside!

After a while of running around in the sun, heat and humidity we need a refreshing place to splash and cool down.

We have popped approximately 22 of those large, blow-up rectangular pools in the past 7 years.  We don’t destroy the molded pools as quickly and I like them.  They are just too small.

So, we got a stock tank.

pool 2

A big one.
pool 1

This lovely, yellow stock tank is meant to provide water to hundreds of thirsty cows.  It also works nicely as a pool for 4 children.

We have a skimmer to remove bugs and debris.  We have a little vacuum to keep it clean.

It’s wet, it’s cool, it’s perfect!

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