Banana Bread Recipe

Banana Bread Recipe

Homemade, Old Fashioned, Banana Bread….. from scratch, soft, moist, sweet.


banana 18


Fresh from the oven.  Let me tell you guys, that top is crispy and flakey and wonderful… and what all good things are made of.

For step-by-step instructions with pictures go here.


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Banana Bread
This is not your average dense, thick banana bread. This banana bread is light, soft, moist, and delightful.
Recipe Notes

Soften butter.  Add mashed bananas and sugar and mix together. Beat in eggs.  Add salt, baking powder and soda.  Mix.  Add sour cream & mix again.  Last, mix in the flour.  Stir in nuts if desired.  Pour into 2 greased (and I use parchment paper or foil in the bottom) loaf pans.  Sprinkle top of batter with sugar before baking.

Makes 2 loaves or 1 giant bundt.

Loaf pans:  Bake 340 degrees for 50 minutes (or until a knife comes out clean).

Bundt pan:  Bake 340 degrees for 1 hour 10 minutes (or until a knife comes out clean).

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