I am Sensitive to Gluten.  Can I Eat Fresh-Milled Flour?

I am Sensitive to Gluten. Can I Eat Fresh-Milled Flour?

Can a gluten-sensitive person eat freshly milled flour?

I received this question from a reader about gluten this week.

It is a good question and one that many are probably asking.  Much of the world is avoiding gluten these days.  Even if you don’t have sensitivity or problems digesting gluten, you may just feel better when you don’t eat it.

In addition to feeling better, many people find they can easily control their weight when they steer clear of bread and gluten.

First I want to let y’all know that I agree.  If the bread comes from a store, restaurant or the flour has ever sat on a grocery store shelf, you should avoid it.  You will indeed feel better and be slimmer.

At the same time, I believe there is another option.

Your family can (probably) enjoy healthy, homemade bread without the bloat, preservatives, or digestive issues.

I eat bread daily.  I make all my own bread with freshly milled flour.  It’s not hard.  I have an electric mill that grinds up wheat (like a coffee grinder).  I have a mixer that kneads my dough for me.  I just shape loaves and bake it.

I believe homemade bread is a huge part of a healthy diet.  Nutritionists and Doctors have long understood the health benefits of eating whole grains.

Unfortunately, the ‘whole grains’ sold at the supermarket are not really ‘whole grain.’

Sorry.  It’s true.

The reader who wrote to me asked a question concerning one of her children.  She has a son who is sensitive to gluten.  She asked if he would be able to eat bread made with freshly milled flour without gluten sensitivity problems.


Can a child (or person) who has gluten sensitivity to gluten eat bread made from freshly milled flour?



If your child is sensitive to gluten, my guess is that he will be sensitive to all gluten.


You may not be reacting to the gluten.

However, many people think they have a gluten sensitivity (or a dairy intolerance) and they are actually reacting to what conventional farming is doing to the food – not the food itself.

For instance:  wheat grown in fields is often not allowed to complete its life. Farmers will spray chemicals on the wheat fields to speed up the harvest so they can get the wheat out and plant corn or soybeans for a second harvest.

More chemicals are then applied to prepare the wheat kernels for shipping or storage (to keep out critters & bugs).

All of these lab-created liquids are taking a toll on our bodies.  We certainly weren’t meant to consume these chemicals.

NUMBER 2:  You are probably consuming incomplete (or unbalanced) grains

Additionally, the wheat sold at the stores is an incomplete grain.  They are processing it and removing part of the kernel so it has a longer shelf life – Yes, even if it says ‘whole grain’ it (usually) is not.

I believe God designed the wheat kernel to be eaten as a whole food.  The bran, germ, and endosperm.  Together it is balanced and good for us.  When we disrupt this balance (by removing portions of the wheat or changing the ratio) we are no longer eating whole foods.  Generally, the bran and germ are removed (which are the healthiest parts of the wheat berry) because of their short shelf life.

This leaves us left eating mostly endosperm (the white fluffy part) which is nutritionally lacking and imbalanced.

Consuming only part of the wheat kernel can also disrupt our digestive systems.

God made food to be good for us – even wheat and gluten. I think it’s the humans messing up the flour. If we eat wheat in it’s natural, whole form, it should be good food for us.

NUMBER 3:  Try a different grain

If a person truly has a problem with gluten, you can buy gluten-free grains like oat groats, spelt, kamut or rye. There are several options that are gluten-free or low-gluten that may accommodate gluten issues.

So to answer the question:

Can a gluten-sensitive person eat freshly milled flour?

It depends.

If someone is truly sensitive to gluten, yes, they will be sensitive to all gluten (even in fresh flour).  But it is very possible that they are reacting to something that is being done to the flour, not the gluten.

If you are ready to start eating bread again – you should consider joining our Membership Community.

We are with you every step as you learn the art of crafting healthy, homemade, delicious bread.

We have 2 Membership levels, so you can choose the program that best suits your needs:

This sounds interesting…. but I’m not sure.

Have we met?  🙂

I’m Candi.

I have been milling wheat and making bread in my kitchen since 2004.  Let me show you how to make the healthiest, tastiest bread your family has ever eaten.

The bread will be amazing.  You will be the star.  Click here to Learn more today or click the button below.

For more on healthy breadmaking:




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