How to Knock-up a Cow in No Time – Boo Yah!  The Ladies are Bred!

How to Knock-up a Cow in No Time – Boo Yah! The Ladies are Bred!

How do you get 2 cows pregnant right out of the gate?
  • No Artificial-Insemination failures.
  • No wasted preg-check visits by the vet.
  • No missed cycles.
  • No heat detection.
  • No worries.
  • No brainier.

Get a bull.

What could possibly be more exciting than 2 pregnant cows?

trinka 4

If you’ve been following along, you will know that I do not enjoy Artificial Insemination and neither do my cows since none of them will get pregnant when Curtis (the A-I guy) comes to do his thing.

After over a year of dealing with:

  • Is she in heat?
  • Is it false heat?
  • Is it standing heat?
  • Is she mooing her head off?
  • Is she acting like a lunatic?
  • Will she stand for a bull?
  • Did she skip a cycle because of high milk production?
  • Did she skip a cycle because it’s too dang hot out to ovulate (or do anything else)?
  • Did the A-I guy get the baby-moo-juice in the mama-cow in the 12 hour window?
  • Did the baby-moo-juice “settle” into a pregnancy?
  • Do you want a shot of whiskey?

Oh, and…. by the way… you still get to pay the A-I guy EVERY time he comes to service your cows EVEN if they do not end up knocked up.

Which I do understand.  He did his job.  He provided the baby-moo-juice.  It’s not his fault that my cows won’t take his babies.


beefy 1

So, we got a bull.  Technically, we leased him.  For more on that go here and here.

Mr. Beefy has been thrilled to help out with the servicing of the girls and for the most part having a bull has been uneventful.  Except for the day he took down 100 feet of fence so he could go for a walk (more on that here).

I suspected he left because his work here was done.

Yesterday, we found out I was right.  Mr. Beefy did his deed(s) and was ready to move on to greener pastures.

trinka 5

Our vet came out and “preg-checked” the ladies yesterday afternoon.

Let’s just remember that the A-I has been to my farm more times than I want to talk about.  Every time you pay to have the A-I guy come you get to pay the vet to come out 40 days later to “preg-check” the cow.  If the cow is still “open” (not pregnant) you call the A-I guy again.  And then the vet again.  And then the A-I guy again.  And then the vet again, and again, and again, and again, until the cows are bred.

Mr. Beefy cost exactly nothing.  We just took good care of him, loved him, fed him and let him have his way with the women.


We got fantastic news yesterday – on my daughters birthday.

Both the cows are bred!

rosie 2

Rosie is 40 days bred.

trinka 3

Trinka is 80 days bred.

Woo Hoo!

Boo- Yah!


It looks like the old saying is true:

“You never have to call a bull twice.”

Go Beefy!  We love you!

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2 Responses

  1. strivingacres
    • Candi

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