He is 19 Years Old!!

He is 19 Years Old!!

Yup – He was born on Star Wars Day.

Actually, they turned his birthday into Star Wars Day.

May the 4th Be With You

My giant child is 19 years old today!

I am one of those moms who wants her children to stop growing up and stay with me forever.  I spent half my life dreaming of becoming a mom and the other half fulfilling my dream.  There is another chapter coming at me fast and I am doing my best to savor these last years with a houseful of kids.

It’s funny – as my oldest has grown through the years, I have never been sad or wanted to stop him from progressing.  He has always been the type of child who acted more mature than his age.  He is my firstborn and learned responsibility early and well.

He did help us raise the other 3, ya know.


Now he’s 19 and making big plans for his life.  I am so excited for him and can’t wait to see what God is going to do with his future.

He has been a full-time student at the University of Louisville for the past 2 years or so.  It’s been stressful and exciting and expensive and educational and thrilling and scary… to say the least.

Because our home is in the middle of nowhere, he has quite a commute to get to campus.  He has opted to live here in order to save money.  We are happy to have him around a bit longer, but in order to get to classes on time, he rises at horrible hours.  He is often taking care of chickens, eating breakfast and driving to class before normal people wake up.

I don’t know about your teens, but mine like to stay up late.

Staying up late and getting up at 5:30 is a bad combination.

He overheard someone talking about how she had fallen asleep during a Biology lecture.

My son-

“I’ve never fallen asleep in class before

but I have woke up a couple of times.”

Um?  What do you mean, “You woke up in class?”

“I’ll just be sitting there listening to my professor talk

and then all of a sudden I wake up.”

This terrifies me because this same child – who wakes up in class also drives 40 minutes one way to get there.  My next (obvious) question…

Have you ever woke up while driving?

Thankfully, he said, “no.”

My son (right) and his best friend (left).

My son had his best friend over. 

We were sitting around the kitchen table playing cards and chatting.

The boys were discussing the latest video game purchase and the girls were doing manicures.

My girls were explaining how they didn’t understand why boys spend money on video games.  The guys responded with how they didn’t understand why girls spent money on nails.

The debate continued to go back and forth.

I think the guys won the debate with their final argument.

“Would you like to know how video games are different from fingernails?”


“I can’t GROW video games.”

Teenagers make me smile and I can’t think of anyone else I would rather spend time with.

I will be so sad when they all turn 20 🙁

Happy Birthday, Buddy!

Love you bunches!




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