Happy Earth Day – 1 Change That Has a Big Impact (on the earth and your wallet)

Happy Earth Day – 1 Change That Has a Big Impact (on the earth and your wallet)

Happy Earth Day!

I don’t know if you guys realize it, but we don’t use many paper products.

I don’t buy paper towels – ever.

I don’t use paper products in the barns, garage or garden.

spring cleaning, e-cloth, clean with just water, chemical-free, two for one

I use cloths

  • I wash udders with cloths.
  • I wash eggs with cloths.
  • I clean my house with cloths.

AND not just any cloth either.  I use eCloths for all my heavy-duty cleaning.

ECloths and water, by the way.

Have you heard of this yet?  Cleaning with just water.

No chemical sprays, no residues, no hacking while you are cleaning the kitchen.

Water and eCloths.

These cloths are not your everyday washcloths – they are special.  They are made with super fine, super effective micro-fiber materials that get rid of any germs and polish surfaces perfectly.

I have eCloths for my windows.  I have eCloths for my body.  I have eClothes for my hair (microfiber is great for naturally curly/ wavy hair – it will prevent frizz).  I have eCloths to clean bathrooms and the kitchen.

I love them

And by the way, I do not sell third party products around here…. much.  The only reason I am an affiliate for eCoths is becasue I LOVE and USE them every day.

Yesterday I made a batch of Best Homemade Yeast Rolls for Easter and when I finished my counters were coated in oil, flour, and bits of bread dough.

They were nasty.

I grabbed my favorite eCloth (the general purpose eCloth) and got it wet.  Wrung it out.  And cleaned the counter perfectly.  No soap. No sprays.  Just an eCloth and water and the counters shined like new.

E-cloths are great.

If you are hearing about this for the first time – you should buy a starter pack of these things.  I am sure you will LOVE them.

  • You will save money because you can clean with WATER.
  • E-Cloth cleans just as effectively (or better) than natural or chemical cleaners!
  • You will not need to lug around a bucket of cleaning supplies with you when you clean your house.  Just a stack of eCloths and use whichever sink is closest for the water!
  • You will save money on cleaning supplies and you will save trees too!
  • No more packs of paper towels running up your grocery bill.

Get a pack of e-cloths today – see what you think.

I love mine.

Y’all should try them.  I’ve been a customer for years.  They really are great.

Go here to shop all the e-cloth products.




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