Cock Fighting

Cock Fighting

Cock Fighting.

We have a beautiful, White Leghorn Rooster named, Foghorn.

He is stately, proud and everything a rooster should be.

Foghorn was hit with a touch of frost-bite this January.

He has recovered well.  Now he has a sleek, slick-back hairdo.


Here’s the “Before” and “After”

In addition to being stately and proud,  Foghorn is equally feisty.

foghorn 2

He doesn’t have any other (real) roosters to cock-fight with.  So, Foghorn fights with shoes.  Our shoes.

It seems that Foghorn doesn’t like shoes.  It takes no provoking.  All you have to do is stand near the guy and from out of nowhere he may decide your Boggs are a threat.

foghorn 3

When this happens, a mane appears, the spurs come out, and feathers start flying.  It’s an all out (one way) war.

foghorn 5Look out!

…… you never know when Foghorn’s gonna get his “Ralph Macchio” on.

Karate Kid anyone?

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