Christmas Gift Guide
I know most of you are blessed, content and oh so grateful. The comments you leave here on the website are precious. The letters you send my way are dear. I think we are happiest when we are counting our blessings. I can imagine that it is probably hard for many of you to create a Christmas Wish List.
If you are stumped this year about what to request or what to get for that special someone – I have some inspiration!
This is going to be a weird, discombobulated Gift Guide. Hopefully, it will get you in the spirit.
For the Kids:
MagnaTiles – Hands down the best toy in the world. It has won awards. It has been a favorite for years. When my children were younger this was the best toy in the house. It was the only toy that was played with EVERY DAY. These can be stored in a small bucket. They are great for entertaining smaller children while homeschooling older siblings. They travel easily so they can be taken on trips. My children played with these from the time they could crawl until they were teenagers.
Wisdom & the Millers – This is the best family devotional I have ever read. It is a study of several life lessons in the book of Proverbs. It is written at an elementary level so you may begin reading these precious stories to your little ones when they are still… little. My 16 & 17-year-old big kids still love to listen when I read these devotions to my 10 & 13-year-old – even though they have heard them multiple times. I have read this book over and over to my children. thanks to the precious, memorable stories that accompany each Proverb, your children won’t easily forget the lessons they learned.
A New View from the Zoo – This is another must-read for the family. Beautiful, life-changing lessons are taught through stories from the Los Angeles Zoo. Gary Richmond is a delight with a quick wit and perfect illustrations for all ages. He spent years working as a zookeeper and has penned many of his most remarkable experiences and insights.
Prepping, Self-Sufficient Life-
The Self Sufficient Life and How to Live it – “The Self Sufficient Life and How to Live It is the only book that teaches all the skills needed to live independently in harmony with the land harnessing natural forms of energy, raising crops and keeping livestock, preserving foodstuffs, making beer and wine, basketry, carpentry, weaving, and much more. ” –source
The Vegetable Gardeners Bible – “Edward C. Smith is the best-selling author of The Vegetable Gardener’s Bible and The Vegetable Gardener’s Container Bible. For more than 30 years he and his wife, Sylvia, have lived off the grid in Vermont, in a house they built on land they cleared by hand. Together, they grow more than 100 varieties of vegetables, fruits, and herbs in their 2,000 square feet of gardens and containers.” –source
“..filled with fresh solutions for today’s busy lifestyles to help everyone enjoy good food at the peak of flavor. The ultimate guide to all home canning. The Ball Blue Book® Guide to Preserving is packed with over 500 tried and true recipes. Guides you to the right tools and ingredients that make it easy to capture freshness.” –source
My Favorite Cookbooks:
The Modern Family Cookbook – “Vintage cookbook reflecting the differences in cooking in the 40s when the book was originally issued.”
The Boston Cooking School Cookbook – “This is a facsimile edition of the original Fannie Farmer Cookbook—a perennial bestseller first published in 1896. A pioneering work in the culinary field, it was the first cookbook to provide level measurements and easy-to-follow directions.” – source
The America’s Test Kitchen Cooking School Cookbook – “We launched the America’s Test Kitchen Cooking School two years ago to teach home cooks how to cook the test kitchen way, and since then thousands of students have taken our interactive video-based online courses.” –source
Gifts For the Meal Preparer –
NutriMill – I can not imagine a kitchen without a food mill. I use mine constantly. The only way to get (truly) whole grain foods into your home is to own a grain mill. All the products (baked goods and bagged flours) sold at the supermarket are inferior. Most store-bought flours and baked goods are not made with whole grains. They incorporate just enough whole grain to meet the minimum requirement so they can label the food, “whole grain.” Shocking, right? In addition to the fact that the foods are not “whole grain,” the flour used is rarely fresh. It only takes a few days for fresh ground flour to oxidize and lose most of its nutrition. With a home grain mill, you will know that your flours are whole grain and fresh.
Bosch Mixer – If you want to turn your home into a bakery and not knead the dough by hand all day, this is the appliance for you. I make 6 loaves of bread at a time with this glorious mixer. I use this mixer to make loaf breads, challah bread, rolls, buns, and even butter. It is more powerful than a Kitchen Aid Professional and has more than double the capacity (the Kitchen Aid can hold enough dough to make 2-3 loaves — whereas the Bosch can handle enough dough to make up to 10 loaves).
Omega Juicer – DH gave me one of these for Christmas last year and I still use it almost daily. I adore my juicer. As a nation, we are eating dead foods. Most of our diet comes from frozen, canned, cooked and processed foods. Living foods are like medicine. They heal our bodies and protect us. Are you eating the recommended 11 servings a day of fresh fruits and vegetables? I know I
don’t didn’t. With a juicer, you can consume dozens of fresh, living foods with ease. I don’t have the time or the desire to eat 10-15 pieces of fruit (or servings of veggies) in a day. But I can drink a couple of glasses of fresh juice! Another benefit of juicing is that the enzymes and nutrients go straight to your bloodstream. Because you are consuming the juice (not the pulp) the foods do not have to go through the digestive system.
Healthy Living and Wellness:
Flour Power – “The only book written on modern home grain milling. This book manages to present a technical topic in a fascinating and entertaining way. Unusually detailed and littered with historical tidbits. Includes mill selection criteria, an education on bread wheats, secrets for making deliciously light whole meal breads, and purchasing contacts for dozens of grain mills, plus oat rollers and bread wheats.” – source
The Iodine Crisis – “Thanks to environmental pollutants Iodine deficiency has become a worldwide epidemic. Everybody knows pollutants cause cancer. What they don’t know is that these pollutants cause a deficiency that can make us sick, fat and stupid. Iodized salt–supposedly a solution to iodine deficiency– is actually a nutritional scam which provides a false sense of security. The Iodine Crisis explains how we became so deficient, then shows the time-tested solution to reversing many conditions.” – source
Life, Cancer & God – “The Essential Guide to Beating Cancer. Riveting! Shocking! Eye Opening! A roadmap to successfully treating cancer and other chronic diseases! As featured on the cover of “Publisher’s Weekly” this beautifully written, inspirational and enlightening memoir may be the ultimate victory-over-cancer story. The author’s journey from advanced-stage cancer, to near death, to complete healing is destined to become a faith-based BEST SELLER.” –source
A World Without Cancer- “Mr. Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease – like scurvy or pellagra – aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man’s diet. That substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile. This story is not approved by orthodox medicine. The FDA, the AMA, and The American Cancer Society have labeled it fraud and quackery. Yet the evidence is clear that here, at last, is the final answer to the cancer riddle.” –source
FarmFreshForLife Membership – You know I couldn’t leave this one off. LOL. I think this makes the perfect gift. Not only will you open a world of eBooks, videos, livestock handbooks, guides, recipes, healthy living tips, and homesteading dish…. a FarmFreshForLife Membership is the gift that keeps giving. Fresh content is added all the time. It costs less than a cup of coffee and is sure to satisfy the healthy living farmgirl or farmguy in everyone.
Learn more about the Membership here.
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