Chicken in the Flowers Part #2

Chicken in the Flowers Part #2

This is not the first post about problems with my flowers.

I love my flowers.

If you would like to read more about my flower addiction go here.

I planted some mums on my back porch.


One of them was turned into a bowl.  We’ve been blaming an assorted, short list of animals for the nest in the mum.


This lady got the blame.  She has been nesting in random flower pots on my back porch off and on for weeks.


She left some pretty incriminating evidence.

I (wrongly) assumed that since she had been in this pot – she must have also built the mum-nest.

I don’t think she is the guilty party.

I have new evidence to support that it may have been someone else.


I’m just saying….


It might have been a cat.

Scruffy- Get off my mum!

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