Attention All Breadmakers & Wannabes – I need Your Help

Attention All Breadmakers & Wannabes – I need Your Help

Whether you realize it or not, I’m kinda enthusiastic about milling fresh wheat and baking with it.

Milling your own flour is not just a way to obtain the best bread you’ve ever put in your mouth, it’s also an investment in your health (and the health of your family).

Fresh milled flour is one of the many ways we can ensure our bodies are getting a complex variety of essential vitamins and minerals.

  • It’s an easy way to be sure our children are getting what they need to grow and be healthy.
  • It’s a road to regularity.
  • It’s another step up the ladder to self-sufficiency.
  • It’s a guilt-free way to enjoy sticky buns, cinnamon rolls and even desserts.
  • And it’s another lost life skill that home cooks should enjoy.


Store bought flour is void of this nutrition.

  • Store-bought flour is often rancid.
  • Store-bought flour does not contain the entire wheat kernel [germ, endosperm & bran].
  • 72 hours after milling, all flour is void of almost all it’s nutrition (unless it’s baked into bread, refrigerated or frozen).  This means (even if the wheat kernel was kept intact) store bought flour no longer contains the original 40 nutrients.

“Commercial “whole wheat” isn’t whole wheat at all. Commercial millers separate the wheat berry components [germ, endosperm & bran], mill the endosperm, and add back only some of what they removed to gain shelf life. They do this with USDA approval and still get to call it whole wheat. It isn’t whole wheat at all. Real whole wheat is found in the refrigerator section of a natural food market and has a shelf life, or is freshly ground at home, and I by far suggest the latter. Real whole wheat can go rancid because of the naturally occurring oils contained in the germ.”  –

At my house, fresh milled flour is the answer to the question, “is my family eating a healthy diet?”

If you have never heard of milling wheat and are scratching your head here’s some of my most popular posts about fresh flour:

Due to the interest in bread making, I am considering doing a bread making webinar.

Webinar Overview:

  • It will be a bread making demonstration (covering the basics of home grain milling & the health benefits)
  • You will learn how to make 4 different breads for your family (whole wheat, cinnamon raisin, sweet rolls & pizza rolls)
  • You will learn how to use a grain mill & how to use a mixer to knead your bread for you.
  • It will be approximately 1 hour long (maybe 1 & 1/2 hours).
  • It may be live, it may be pre-recorded – it depends on my Internet connectivity & if it will be able to broadcast the program without crashing.  Either way, we’ll all be on the webinar together & I’ll be able to answer any questions during the demonstration.
  • I will be using a professional webcasting platform/software.

If you attend the webinar you will be able to ask questions & interact with me as I bake all sorts of goods, before your eyes.

I have been teaching bread making classes for years & think you will love it.  It will be informative, encouraging & fun.  I will be able to “show” you all the odd things about making bread that are difficult to explain in a blog post.

I would love to do it and I think it will really help anyone interested in making bread.

Here’s what I need your help with…..

  1. Do you wanna come?
  2. Would you pay to attend this?
  3. What do you think is a fair price?

I will have some solid costs involved in order to provide this for you guys.  I have to pay for the actual webinar.  I have to buy some hardware so it will work (cordless mic & a decent web cam).

I don’t want to get too involved down this road unless there’s some genuine interest from you.

If the webinar does happen I’ll try to make it at a convenient time.  If you register to attend the webinar, but can’t make the time and date you’ll be able to watch it later.  Likewise, if you attend the webinar, and want to re-watch it – you’ll be able to do that as well.

I’m traveling some uncharted waters here, so I’ll be learning as I go.  LOL.

If you happen to be a tech person and have suggestions – please suggest away!  I am reviewing several webinar hosting platforms & am trying to find the best one for the best price.

Let me know in the comments if this is something you would like & what you think it should cost or any other thoughts you have about it.

Thanks bunches!





8 Responses

  1. Forest Perea
    • Candi
  2. Anonymous
    • Candi
  3. strivingacres
    • Candi
  4. Jill Carnahan

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