Artificial Insemination – Again

Artificial Insemination – Again

The Artificial Insemination guy came out to visit our sweet cow, Faith.

We are trying to change her current maternal status from “open” to “bred.”  In other words:  pregnant, knocked-up, expecting, hatching, or with-child.

The AI Guy did his thing …….. again.

Faith (our milk cow) just stood there……… again.


There’s nothing exciting to report about this other than what my 7 year old said later that day.

I was in the kitchen,  as usual.  Cooking something,  as usual.  When I heard a small voice say “Hey Mom”  as usual…….

The conversation went like this:

7 Year old:   “Hey Mom, we should get Duke Pregnant.”

I’m thinking:  Duke’s a dude.  Duke’s been fixed.  AI is not generally used on dogs?  I think?

7 Year Old:  “We should have that cow-guy come over and shove that that thing up Duke’s butt so he can have puppies.”

I’m thinking:  Up his butt?

7 Year Old:  “And then we will have cute little puppies.”

I’m thinking:  We may have our hands full in a few years when we have to explain to this child where babies come from.

This entire conversation makes me think about the year we attempted to explain the truth about the big guy in the red suit.

Me:  “Santa’s not real.”

7 year old:  “But I just saw him.”

Me:  “That was just a guy in a red suit.”

7 Year old:  (now pointing at Santa at The mall) “But he’s right there.  I can see him.”

Me:  “That’s not Santa.  That’s just a guy in a red suit.”

7 year old:  “But I saw him on TV.”

Me:  “That’s not him either.  All fake.”

7 Year Old:  “But he brought me presents and filled my stocking.”

Me:  “That was me.”

9 year old:  (just tuning into the conversation)  “EEWWWW! You let me sit on some big, strange guy’s lap?”

Me:  “Yup.”


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