Aroma Foundry – FREE GIVEAWAY!!

Aroma Foundry – FREE GIVEAWAY!!

Aroma Foundry  Excellent Oils – Excellent Prices

Be sure to leave your comment below to be entered in the drawing for the Gift Card!!

Do you use essential oils?

I do.

I use them.  I love them.  They make me happy.

Although I am a believer in using essential oils & their ability to rejuvenate, freshen and support, I do have strong opinions about them.

  1. I think essential oils are great options for many simple household issues
  2. I know certain oils have the ability to capture and improve my mood
  3. I love using naturally derived products instead of processed pharmaceuticals
  4. I use essential oils daily for personal hygiene and skin care
  5. I have witnessed the power of a simple oil here in my home


  1. I don’t think they are the answer to world hunger
  2. I don’t want to sell them

Ya Know?

I’m pretty sure there are a few of you who appreciate the fact that I am not trying to sell you essential oils.  Nor am I trying to get you to sell them for me.

I don’t want to sell them, especially not to my friends and family (you guys are my friends), but I do want to use and enjoy them.

These little bottles of wonder do often come with a hefty price tag.  Some higher than others.  I have used several varieties & am aware that not all essential oils are created equal.

If you use essential oils (like me) and don’t want to overpay for quality oils (like me) and don’t want a business to go with your oil purchase (no thanks)…

I may have found the answer.

Aroma Foundry reached out to me.

I love their oils!  

Aroma Foundry sells a popular line of all natural essential oils.  Their oils are 100% pure.  Each one has been sourced from native locales worldwide in order to obtain the best products.

I love that the people over at Aroma Foundry are avid users of essential oils.  They take the old saying, “My Body is My Temple” seriously and are not only providing excellent, high-quality essential oils to us, they are using these products themselves.

The folks at Aroma Foundry are excited to deliver high-quality oils at reasonable prices to folks like you and me.

What I love about Aroma Foundry:

  1. They sell all my favorite oils.
  2. Their prices are fabulous.
  3. Their oils are sourced in their native habitats.
  4. They have a quality guarantee – all small batches are numbered for quality control.
  5. Oils are 100% pure and all natural.

High-quality, locally sourced oils – without the side-business.  Perfect.

Why I use essential oils:

It all started because I realized that I was eating my lotions, creams, soaps and moisturizers.  Yup.  More on that here.

Our bodies absorb anything we smear all over it.  This means we are essentially “eating” our lotions and such.  Really, anything we coat our skin with is penetrating and getting into our systems to some extent.  Sunscreen, bug repellent, deodorant, pool water, etc.  If it is on our skin, those pores of ours are gonna consume it.  Yummy.

When I learned about this I had a couple of responses.

  1.  Eeew
  2. I need to be careful what I put on my body

This is how I came to make my own lotions, moisturizers and facial cleansers.  All of these homemade products contain essential oils.

Once I entered the world of essential oils I leaned that not all oils are equal.  Some are better than others.  Some are more powerful.  Some are amazing (I’m always stunned when eucalyptus oil enables my stuffy children to breath again and how peppermint oil takes the itch out of a mosquito bite).

I’ve been learning about essential oils for years.  I’ve enjoyed using them for itch relief, bug repellents, decongestants, deodorizers, perfume and simply to make my home smell nice.

All good things.

If you love essential oils, but hate the price tags, I urge you to head over to Aroma Foundry & check them out.  If you don’t use essential oils, you may want to look into it.

I’m thankful that Aroma Foundry is making quality oils for folks like me.  I don’t want to pay more.  I don’t want to sell essential oils to my friends and family.   I just want to buy my oils and feel good about the product.

As promised, I am giving away a $25 Gift Card to Aroma Foundry!  Just leave your name in the comments below & you’ll be entered .  Winner announced this weekend.

For more information be sure to visit Aroma Foundry here.

Stay Healthy Everyone!




2 Responses

  1. Jessica McClanahan
    • CJ

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