He is 12 Years Old!

He is 12 Years Old!

My youngest child is 12 years old!

This guy loves riding his bike, 4 wheelers, and dirt bikes.  He prefers the outdoors.  You could name an animal (fish, pig, deer, squirrel, rabbit, etc) and he knows how to kill it, gut it, dress it and give it to me to cook.

His teachers have always considered him their “most interesting” student.  I don’t know if that is a compliment or an insult.

When other kids were wearing pumped up kicks and staring at their DS (handheld game system), this child was wearing cowboy boots and carrying a pocket knife.

I’ve had a couple of adults (his 5th-grade teacher and his Sunday school leader) tell me that if they ever got lost in the woods they would want to have this child with them.

He is fantastic and a bit scary.  Oh, and he looks like a little angelic cherub – but don’t be fooled.

And good grief, he is heading toward the teenage years.

Which is thrilling and exhausting if you ask me.

Teenagers are the best.  They make me laugh.  They are always up for an adventure.  They’ll stay up late and chat all night.

But the road to becoming a teenager can be rough.  Middle school is a tough time.  They are figuring out who they are and where they fit in and how to comb their hair.

If any of you are in the process of making babies and growing your family, I have some advice whether you want it or not.

I had 4 babies in less than 7 years.  I was surrounded by tiny people for a decade and it was lovely and exhausting.

The good news is that I was a young person back then.

Mamaw always said, “Candi, there is a reason God gives children to young people.”

And it is not because we had any wisdom.  Nope, the wisdom will come from the pain of having children.

The reason God gives babies to young people is that young people are (mostly) energetic.  They don’t (usually) have back pain.  They can run around from sunup to sundown and still be able to kiss their husbands.

It has been 19 years since I had my first baby, and things are a bit different than they were back then.

I am so happy to be a mommy of 4.  I actually wanted 5 or 6, but I didn’t have my first baby until I was 27, so it wasn’t in the cards (what I mean by “it wasn’t in the cards” is that DH was done).

Here is my advice to take or leave:

  • Consider having as many children as you want. if you think you won’t be able to afford them – don’t worry.  God will provide.  The blessing of the large family will be worth the sacrifices.
  • Start early if you can and enjoy.  DH and I both agree that if we had started sooner, we would have had 6 children.  
  • Don’t be so sure.  DH wasn’t sure about being a daddy until we had kids.  Once they showed up even he agreed that life was better with kids and he wanted a houseful.
  • Having children close together has its perks.  I had my first two 18 months apart and another one every couple of years from there.  Although I had four little ones, it has been so wonderful throughout the years.  When they were young there was always someone to play with.  Now that they are older they always have a friend.  And there is always something going on around here.  The parties, get-togethers, impromptu friends, family gatherings and farm activities never stop and it is a wonderful life.

A few Words About My Baby

Sorry buddy, you will always be the baby.  Just embrace it and work it for all it’s worth.

I am so blessed that God gave me you.  You are like the cherry on top of our little family.  Your dad and I are so proud of the little man you are becoming.

I Love you so much!




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