Why Memberships?
In short, they asked for it. 🙂
I had so many people writing in and asking me about this homestead. Asking me about fresh flour. Wondering how on earth I milled my own wheat. They wanted to come to my farm. They wanted me to teach them. They wanted videos. They wanted more.
I’ve been teaching classes locally since 2009 and when my internet community asked for them, I instantly wanted to provide. I just needed to figure out how to do it.
I researched, met with some experts and settled on a membership website.
It was a difficult decision.
A Membership website allows me to provide huge amounts of material with a small price tag.
With the Membership Website, I provide breadmaking classes, create homesteading videos, teach people about getting started in homesteading, and do not charge hundreds of dollars.
Just in case you aren’t sure how the membership works, let me explain.
The day anyone joins the membership community they have FULL membership privileges. This means:
- Access to all the Free eBooks (to download and keep forever)
- Access to the entire Breadmaking course
- Access to all homesteading videos
- Access to the Organic Gardening Class
- Access to nearly 400 premium posts and recipes
- Access to the completely new site: Just Tell Me What to Cook
- Access to all the meal plans, shopping lists, recipe-free meals, and inside peeks into my kitchen and homestead
It’s worth $10.
It’s actually worth about $200.
When you join – you are helping others.
Your investment is only a little bit of money, but it allows me to continue to provide this website to the world. Without the Membership community, Farm Fresh For Life would not be here.
Your membership is more than a ticket to some homesteading videos and classes on how to make fresh bread; it is an investment in a better world.
And I am so thankful for every one of you.
I’ve been at this real food thing for years. I can tell you it works. It has made me better, healthier, and given me the gift of smaller pants.
None of us knows what the future holds. Maybe arthritis, maybe cancer, maybe Crohns, maybe mental problems, who knows? I can’t prevent everything, but I can feed my body healthy foods. I can provide nourishing and healing meals to my family.
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