60 YEARS OLD AND A NEW WAY OF LIFE!  A Letter from a Farm Fresh Member

60 YEARS OLD AND A NEW WAY OF LIFE! A Letter from a Farm Fresh Member


“I am 60 YEARS OLD AND have A NEW WAY OF LIFE thanks to you.”

I receive emails, comments on social media, and comments on my website often. Mostly it is people who strongly believe that animals are not food, strongly expressing their dislike for my appetite toward meat.

Which is so funny.

When I have a long list of emails to open or unread comments on my blog that need to be sifted through, I usually take a deep breath, squint my eyes, and do a shot of espresso before reading.

This is actually progress – when I first attracted a substantial following, I had EVERY SINGLE comment and email filtered through DH’s business account.  He deleted all the angry letters and sent me the aftermath.

That was a beautiful world where everything was happy.

I have since grown skin as thick as barn wood and don’t care when I get death threats.

Well, I don’t particularly like the death threats, but I don’t let it ruin my morning.

After one gnarly letter two weeks ago I decided enough was enough and turned off the comments on my blog.


No comments – no problems

Well, my plan didn’t work.

I am still getting comments all over 900 or so posts, even though I logged into the discussion platform and specifically disabled ALL COMMENTS.

What even? 

I suppose the universe wants me to continue being slandered by vegans on a regular basis.

ANNNNNDD… Even if I successfully get the commenting option turned off – there isn’t anything stopping folks from emailing.


I still remember the day this picture was taken. We were on my back porch, I had just made a batch of scones with fresh-picked blackberries, and it was a hundred bloody degrees outside.


Sometimes I get sweet letters.

I was really encouraged by a letter I received this week, and I felt that his letter should be read by many more.

He happily obliged to having his words shared here for you to relish.

His sweet reply, when I asked if I could publish his words –

“Yes, Ma’am.  I’m not bashful.  Reword it to make more sense, or leave it, I don’t care.  I’m just an ole’ Jesus-loving Texas Hillbilly with more life experience than proper education.  Use it as you see fit.”

As you may suspect, I didn’t feel the need to change anything.  His note was perfect just as he wrote it.


We moved to a rural farmhouse about 4 yrs ago. With COVID and our cities being burned down. We are so glad we did. It was truly a miracle
and a blessing from God. Found your website searching for prepping ideas for a well-stocked pantry. The ability to shelter in place, hate that term, for a couple of months doesn’t seem as crazy as it once did.

The one thing that blew my mind was store-bought flour. And how it’s robbed of all the healthy ingredients just to sustain shelve-life. I want to start our homesteading adventure with grinding our own grain.

Here’s the big question.

Can I make white bread? My wife doesn’t eat wheat bread.  What grain would be the least likely to have a strong wheat flavor? Maybe a stupid question, but I don’t need to invest in all the equipment if the bread has a strong wheat bread flavor. Sorry for the rambling.



I think your wife would love homemade wheat bread.  It is nothing like store-bought.

You can buy hard white wheat berries and grind them into flour- the bread would be light – but not white.  Storebought flour is sifted and BLEACHED in order to get that pure white color.  Not good at all.

So, to answer your question –
– Freshly milled wheat (even white) will never be white
– I think this is a good thing – America is told that white is better (white sugar, white flour, white soap) but it is not
– The lightest, whitest wheat of all is called “Soft White wheat berries” – but they do not have enough gluten to be made into loaf bread (or yeast rolls).  Soft white is used more for cakes, muffins, sweets.

To get the nicest, lightest bread with fresh-milled wheat you will want to get hard white wheat berries.

This will make a beautiful, soft loaf.  It will not be white, but I think it will be the best bread you’ve tasted.

Best of luck!


Hey Girl,

It’s Will with an update,  I sent you the email about making white bread.

Well, we finally got all the stuff, made our first batch today. And you were right, it’s the best bread ever. My wife loves it. We have some butter from raw milk. Thank you so much. Our house smells so good, we are in a little bit of heaven right now. I think the first loaf will be gone tonight. I took my neighbor a loaf while it was hot. She gave me some pickled squash and beats.

Thank you so much. I’m 60 years old and have a new way of life thanks to you. I’ve been growing in my faith a lot lately, it feels so good to be eating the way God intended me too. I’m very happy about that.

PS, God to me is Jesus. Thanks a bunch.


WILL’S UPDATE (continued)

I got so excited about the goodness of the bread, I plum forgot to fill you in on the details of my transformation. Just spit it out like you knew what I had been doing. Sorry.

Diets always seemed way too complicated to me. But when I read your blogs on your website, it seemed so simple and uncomplicated. The way you phrased things just spoke to my soul. So easy to read and understand.  Plants and animals, that’s not rocket science. Duh. I do think it’s a spiritual journey for me, and the health is just a bonus. I feel the Holy Spirit confirming your words to me when I read them. I haven’t been this excited about anything other than God and family in a long time. Everything in life that God gave us in the beginning, has been genetically modified, plants,  animals, food, crazy, but even people. A deliberate attempt from satan to thwart God’s original plan.

Anyway, I guess I was a typical eater, Burgers on store-bought buns and processed cheese, chili dogs, spaghetti, processed lunch meats on store-bought wheat bread (that I thought was healthy), even frozen tv dinners.  I stopped for my share of donuts and breakfast burritos from the little country stores. And my fare share of Taco Bell, Chic-fil-a, etc. We did have roast-n-taters, meatloaf, lots of hamburger meat and steak sometimes. But served with store-bought rolls, side dishes with a resume of ingredients. And I always thought I was doing good.

I am now 5 or 6 weeks in [eating real foods].

I only eat whole foods, no enriched flour products, no sugar.  I use honey to sweeten coffee and tea, I love it.

We get our milk from a local dairy I found using your milk link, it’s so good. I was worried when I took my first drink but it’s awesome. Swiss cows. They have butter, cream, cheese, fresh eggs, elderberry syrup. It’s all good. My breakfast has been boiled eggs, bananas, and almonds. Wonderful combination. I leave the house so early and I pack it in my lunch and eat on location. I take lots of fruit, apples, oranges, peaches, plums. Carrots, radishes, broccoli, etc.  A piece or two of meat, grilled chicken breast, pork chops, bacon, sausage, and now a piece or two of homemade bread, yeah. Need to bring a thermos with some of that raw milk.

First thing I do when I get home from a typical 12-13 hour day is to drink a glass of cold raw milk. Oh and the cheese, smoked gouda,  mmmm.

[When I gave up sugar] the sugar crash, man o man. Was that crazy, [I have never been one to] drink lots of cokes or eat candy bars. Really thought I was good on sugar. After three or four days without sugar I was feeling woozy, had a headache, so this is the sugar crash I thought. Nope, next day I got so dizzy, felt drunk, was about to pass out, got my hands on a litter of coke, downed it all at once, and returned to earth. I  couldn’t believe I was that addicted to sugar. Wow. I would have never thunk it.

Anyways, that’s behind me and I feel great, sleep better. And you were right about the [effect fresh wheat has on] the bathroom, lol. Enough said on that.

I read you like eggs a lot, me too. Said you knew a gazillion ways to prepare them. You probably know this way already but it’s one of my favorites when time matters. Fill a muffin pan with an egg in each bin. 350* in the oven for about 12 min. Let them cool down and store in some good ole Tupperware. Keep em in the fridge just waiting to be zapped. I keep some bacon, sausage, or ham cooked and bagged as well. That’s breakfast in 30 seconds.

I’m so sorry about the length of this but I am very excited about getting this right and so so thankful for your valuable time and tremendous effort you have put into your website.

WILL’S UPDATE (continued again – LOL)

Dang it. I knew I  forgot something.


I lost 1 to 3lbs a day for a while. Went from over 250 down to 225 so far. Still going down but not as fast. I’m 6’3″ so I’m not sure where I’ll level off.  Poked 3 new holes in my belt and I’m eating like a pig, girl.

Thank You So Much.



You made my week!!!!!

Thanks for writing to me.  60 is the new 40 and you are only as old as you feel! It is fabulous that you have a new way to live.  I’m so happy you like the bread.  We agree – best bread we’ve ever had.

You’ll have to make the yeast rolls next – you won’t believe how heavenly they are 🙂

Here is the recipe:

Keep up the good work.  It is never too late – we are never too old.

I loved reading about your sugar crash – what the heck?  Glad to know that I am not alone.  We are all so addicted to sugar and don’t even know it. Have you read about my Food Challenge?  The first week touches on my sugar problem…  Here is the link to the entire adventure:


And here are some more thoughts on sugar you will probably like:

It is so great when we can see the results in our body and how we feel – but remember – there is so much healing and restoration happening on the inside that you can’t see.  There is no telling what health problems we are avoiding because of making these healthy lifestyle changes.

Keep up the great work!!
