Creamed Potatoes

Creamed Potatoes

Creamed Potatoes

Hold on to your hats!

These are amazing.

I feel a bit embarrassed to admit the sheer amount of potatoes I consume.

I can’t help it.  I was raised on meat and potatoes and I love them.

Thanks to survival on only foods I grow I now consume as many green veggies as I do potatoes.  BUT my first love will always be potatoes.

I think I have as many articles about potatoes as I do about pigs on this little website – and that’s a bunch.

I would like to contribute:  that I grow my potatoes and I have decided that if food comes from my yard I am allowed to eat as much of it as I want.

Henceforth, I eat potatoes, cream, and butter with abandon.

And it makes me smile.

These tender potato cubes are served swimming in a velvety cream sauce.  A version of this side-dish can be found on most menus at upscale steakhouses.

They charge unbelievable amounts for their steaks and almost as much for the “family-style” sides.

If you like a good steak with creamed potatoes, but like to spend your money on chickens instead of steaks – these will transport your taste buds to the finest steakhouse while you sit at home in your Wranglers.

First, have one of your children peel six big potatoes.

Next, dice them into small cubes.  about the size of sugar cubes.

Butter a casserole and dump in the taters.  You want the potatoes to be about 1 1/2 inches deep.  You don’t want the potatoes to be too deep.  The deeper the veggies – the longer they will take to cook.  And you run the risk of the taters in the center of the dish not completely cooking.

To ensure they bake evenly, use a larger dish.

Dice 1/2 of an onion and mix it in with the potato cubes.  Salt and pepper the whole lot.

Now let’s make the cream sauce –

Heat butter on the stovetop in a medium saucepan.

Once butter is melted add the salt, flour, and then the half & half.  Whisk like a maniac to get everything blended.  Cook over medium-high heat until thickened (this happens quick).  If the sauce is too thick to pour add 1/4 cup milk to thin.

Pour the cream sauce over the potatoes and diced onions.

Make sure the cream is evenly distributed.

Yes, the potatoes will be swimming in cream sauce – this is what you want.

Bake 400 for 45-55 minutes uncovered.

If you want to turn these into creamy au gratin potatoes sprinkle a handful of sharp cheddar (grated) cheese on top for the last 5 minutes of baking.  The cheese is not mandatory – but is quite tasty.

Potatoes will be soft and top will be brown and bubbly when it’s done.

These don’t have the cheese on them… They are fantastic with or without the cheddar on top.

Serve with steaks for maximum moaning at the dinner table.



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Creamed Potatoes (Premium)
Potatoes and cream and nothing else - these are spectacular!
Course Side Dish
Cuisine Potato, veggies
Course Side Dish
Cuisine Potato, veggies
Recipe Notes

Begin by peeling and chopping 6 potatoes and put them into a greased (with butter) casserole.

To make the cream sauce:

Melt 4 tbsp butter in large saucepan or skillet add salt.  Cook on stovetop over medium heat until butter melts. Add flour.  Cook flour 2-3 more minutes. Add 2 cups half & half. Cook until thickened.  If the sauce is too thick to pour add 1/4 cup milk to thin.

Pour cream sauce over the potatoes.

Bake 400 for 45-55 minutes uncovered. Potatoes will be soft and top will be brown and bubbly when it's done.

Top with grated cheese during the last 5 minutes of baking if desired.

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