Praise The Lord –  The Cow is Pregnant!!!

Praise The Lord – The Cow is Pregnant!!!

I can’t decide if I should go hide in a hole somewhere or celebrate.  First and foremost – our sweet, awesome jersey cow, Faith, is bred & will be a mommy again.  We have been trying to breed her since last spring, and this is incredible news.


The reason I am considering hiding in a hole is because she several months bred and we had NO IDEA.  We have been faithfully using BoviPreg to indicate pregnancy.  The simple to use pregnancy tests are supposedly 96.9% accurate.

Well, in our experience they have been inaccurate.  I have used 8 of the tests at different intervals during the past several months and NONE of them have indicated pregnancy.  They have all shown a negative result.

We are so fortunate that our our A-I Tech’s last visit didn’t disturb the already in process pregnancy.  Thank you Lord.  faith

This has been another great learning opportunity for our homestead.  We will no longer be using the cow-side pregnancy tests.  We will be calling our vet to come by in the future.  It may be more expensive, but I’d rather pay a bit more and know if my cow is pregnant.

The vet visits can be less painful on the pocket book by preparing a line up of animals to be serviced while the vet is out.

Today while our vet was here he:

  • Performed an exam and ultrasound on Faith our jersey cow
  • Vaccinated our calf
  • Examined, vaccinated & de-wormed our new cat

We have baked cup-cakes, blown up balloons, and hung the party streamers.  It’s a celebration in our home.  The cow is bred!

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