New Animal To Our Homestead!

New Animal To Our Homestead!

We expanded the diversity here on the homestead……. there’s a new kid on the block.

It’s a fun time of year!  It’s that time when you can buy little fluffy things at every retail outlet, hardware store, horse supply, and feed mill out in the country.

We always buy chicks in spring.

It doesn’t matter if you have 5 chickens or 75, there’s something irresistible about the metal bins full of tiny peeping guys and gals.  I just can’t say no.

In addition to our regular assortment of chickens, we bought something else this year.

We splurged.  Can you guess what we bought?duck

Hint 1:  It’s yellow.

duck 2

Hint 2:  It’s cute.  Really cute.

duck 3

Hint 3:  It’s snuggly and likes to hide.

ping 3

Meet Ping.  The newest addition to our homestead.

We bought 2 ducks in addition to the chicks.

baby blended

We have an adorable blended family living in our bathroom.

Welcome Ping.  We are glad you’re here!

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