How to Make “German” Roasted Nuts – Sweet, Crunchy, Buttery, Heavenly

How to Make “German” Roasted Nuts – Sweet, Crunchy, Buttery, Heavenly

If you received roasted almonds from me for Christmas this year you may deserve an apology.

After spending an amount I do not wish to disclose on organic almonds.

After spending a morning researching the perfect recipe.

After spending an afternoon roasting almonds as directed, drying, bottling, tagging and raffia-ing.

After all that work, I was not happy with the results.

Because I am no quitter..

I researched some more, roasted some more and tasted some more…


I did create the perfect roasted almond (or pecan) recipe.


I am going to show you how you can make your own roasted almonds that will blow your mind, and your taste buds, and they are healthy.


I had the problem of 5 pounds of roasted almonds that were mediocre thanks to all the horrible recipes that exist in Internet-Land.  Arrrg.  Don’t believe the comments.  They are liars.  Or maybe they live under rocks and just don’t know what good food tastes like because those  things were not that good.

Believe me.  I will not lie to you.  Thanks to me you now will know how to make the best roasted almonds you have ever eaten and you didn’t have to make 5 pounds of terrible nuts to get to it.

You’re welcome.

OK – so the 5 pounds of mediocre nuts – I gave them away anyhow.  Even if they weren’t spectacular – they were organic, wholesome, homemade and a nice, sweet treat.

Next year all my nuts will be fabulous.

UPDATE:  I was pleasantly surprised when a couple of family members asked me for the recipe.  Even though I wasn’t blown away by the nuts- my Aunts were.  I’m glad I didn’t feed them to the chickens.  🙂

The great thing about MY recipe is that it doesn’t include any allergens, gluten, wheat, egg, diary or other pesky ingredient that could prevent someone from enjoying them (unless you are allergic to nuts, of course).  I can not say this for the other failures recipes I tried.

How to Roast Your Own Nuts

To make these you will need:

  • Cast Iron skillet (I guess you could use any skillet – but I used cast iron)
  • Nuts
  • Cane Juice Crystals (sugar)
  • Cinnamon
  • Salt

roasted nut Collage

Pour the sugar in your skillet and turn the heat to medium-high.  When the sugar starts to melt toss the nuts on top.  Stir them around a bit then sprinkle on the cinnamon & salt & continue stirring.

roasted almonds 8

I used a wooden spatula and just kept tossing the nuts around in the sugar.  The sugar will begin to clump.  Then it will begin to melt.  Keep stirring everything around as the sugar melts and coats the nuts.

It took about 2 minutes of maniac stirring on medium heat for most of the sugar to melt.  There will still be a few clumps of sugar clinging to some of the nuts – but that is OK.  They will be crunchy little bits of wonderfulness.  When the nuts are light brown and all coated with sugar they are done. 

roasted almonds 9

Move the nuts to a sheet of foil or parchment paper to cool.  Try to separate them in a single layer.  Don’t worry if you have some clumps of nuts.  Once they are cool they can easily be broken apart by hand or by a swat from a large spoon.

roasted almonds 10

The end result will amaze you.  They are sweet, caramel-y, crunchy, toasty, buttery with a hint of salt.

These amazing little delicacies are one of the best things I have ever eaten.  Really.  They are fabulous.

You need to make these.

On top of the fabulous-ness, these are practically health-food.  What a perfect go to snack if you are on a diet (Ack – I hate that word).

If you are on a health-kick and just want something sweet that is still natural, organic, gluten-free, egg-free, dairy-free, wheat-free and yummy.  This is perfect.  Ya know?

roasted almonds 3

I put the roasted nuts into these “dairy” jars.  Aren’t they cute?!

roasted almonds 2

I added little tags that said, “Johns Family- Homemade Candied Almonds – All natural, Organic, From our Homestead to Yours.”

To get old fashioned recipes, farm tips and advice delivered straight to you be sure to subscribe via email (here). 

Happy Snacking!


Print Recipe
German Roasted Nuts
These home-roasted almonds are sweet, caramel-y, crunchy, toasty, buttery with a hint of salt. They are incredibly easy to make & fabulous. On top of the fabulous-ness, these are practically health-food. Natural, organic, gluten-free, egg-free, dairy-free, wheat-free and yummy. This recipe makes 4 cups of roasted nuts.
Course Dessert, snacks
Recipe Notes

Pour the sugar in your skillet and turn the heat to medium-high.  When the sugar starts to melt stir in the nuts.  Add the cinnamon & salt & continue stirring.  The sugar will begin to clump.  Then it will begin to melt.  Keep stirring everything around as the sugar melts and coats the nuts.  When the nuts are light brown and coated with sugar they are done.

Move the nuts to a sheet of foil or parchment paper in a single layer to cool.  Don’t worry if you have some clumps of nuts.  Once they are cool they can easily be broken apart by hand or by a swat from a wooden spoon.

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