Happy Christmas & Merry Everything!

Happy Christmas & Merry Everything!

Happy Christmas & Merry Everything!

I am about to fall off the face of the planet and go incognito for a couple of weeks.


There are just a handful of items left on the checklist and the movers have been called.

We are scheduled to move in on January 8th if we can get all of our final inspections squeezed in.

I am really trying to remember that this week is not about moving, farms, and stuff.  It is hard when the distractions are so loud.

Even if we were not building a home, it can be challenging not to get caught up in all the hustle and bustle.  I am guilty of packing my calendar full of activities on Christmas week. 

Still on My To-Do List

  1. The kids and I are baking all sorts of Christmas goodies this afternoon.
  2. I need to pick up a couple of last-minute gifts.
  3. I haven’t wrapped the first present – so there is a long evening in my future with colorful paper, sticky tape, and Jim Carey as the Grinch.
  4. My sister-in-law and I are preparing a feast which I need to start thinking about (grocery lists, shopping trip, & baking ahead)
  5. AND I have to work at our Pawnshop, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday this week!

Don’t worry about me, I actually thrive when my calendar is packed.  The more I have going on, the more I excel.

My neighbor at our old farm once said to me, “If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it.”

I fall into the group of personalities who don’t sit down, don’t watch TV, and like to spend their free time working.  If you can relate, you probably thrive in all the Christmas chaos.

This weekend I am so excited to SLOW DOWN (I promise, I’m gonna try) and bask in the knowledge that my Savior came down from heaven to redeem me.  He lived a sinless life.  He died on a cross.  He took my sins and paid the debt I owe.

I am not sinless, I am a wretched sinner who has found grace.  I am forgiven.

Praise the Lord for making away for us to be with HIM in heaven – we certainly couldn’t earn our way there.

Hoping your Christmas is filled with the love of God and you are delightfully surrounded by loved ones (6-feet apart, of course).

Sending lots of love,
