Homemade Christmas Gifts “Joy to the World” Stacker – Super Cute

Homemade Christmas Gifts “Joy to the World” Stacker – Super Cute

There happens to be a collection of scrap wood stacked in the corner of our barn.  That collection contains a lot of odd’s and ends and lots of 2 x 4’s.

You can call it “up-cycling”, “re-cycling”, or just grabbing something out of the scrap pile & making it into something beautiful.  Whatever you call it, I love it.

This Homemade Christmas Craft is made entirely out of 2 X 4’s.

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It says, “Joy to The World.”

Here’s the supply list:

  • 2 x 4
  • Scrapbooking paper
  • Stick on letters (optional)
  • Wood Star
  • Dark wood stain
  • Mod Podge or Elmer’s Glue


First cut your 2 x 4’s with a circular saw (remember to wear goggles, gloves, be careful and don’t hurt yourself).

  • 2 pieces – 10 inches long
  • 1 piece – 4 inches long (for the star)

After they are cut, knock off any rough edges with some sandpaper and cover with dark stain.  Rub off any excess stain with a dry towel.  Let dry.

When the stain is dry, cut your scrapbooking paper and glue to the front of the blocks.


Once the glued paper is dry, I rub the edges with some of the stain.  This gives it an aged look.  Just use a dry cloth (or paper towel) dipped in the stain and rub around the edges.  Start small, you can always add more stain if you want.


I totally took the easy way out here & bought the stick-on letters.  Peel the back off & stick’em on there.  So easy.  If you want to save money, you could easily paint the letters on.  If you want to be done in 30 seconds, go the stick-on route.


After sticking the letters on, get out a paint brush and pain a layer of Mod Podge, or Elmer’s glue over the entire front.  This will harden when it dries and create a protective coating.

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Easy, inexpensive, fun.

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