Homemade Christmas Gifts – Simple Wooden Nativity

Homemade Christmas Gifts – Simple Wooden Nativity

This is another simple craft that I did not invent.  I just made one.  And you can too!

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It’s a Nativity.  Simple, small, sweet.

Joseph is the tall guy.  Mary is the one with the baby.  Jesus is the baby.

Here’s the list of supplies:

  • 2X2’s (any big box home improvement store)
  • Wood balls for heads (craft store)
  • Star (craft store)
  • baby (craft store)
  • Wire for Star (craft store)
  • Mod Podge or Elmer’s Glue (craft store)
  • Hot glue gun & glue sticks (craft store)

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This one’s pretty straight forward.  Cut the 2 X 2’s so Joseph is 6 inches.  Mary is 5 1/2 inches.


Then hot glue the heads on.  Hot glue baby Jesus on the front of Mary.

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The tricky part is the star.  Paint it first if you want.  I painted my star gold.  You could leave it natural like the rest of the Nativity.

Hot glue the wire to the star and let it set up.

Then, hot glue the other end of the wire to the back of Mary.

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And you are done!  We made these last year.  All 4 of my children made these.  My kitchen was over-populated with dozens of pine, faceless, Mary & Joseph’s.  We gave them away, we set them around the house.  We love them.

I was so excited to see them again when we unpacked all the decorations this year.

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Merry Christmas!



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