A Christian Perspective on Grains

A Christian Perspective on Grains

A Christian Perspective on Grains

Everyone is hating on grains these days.

Especially the gluten part.

I have had this tantrum bubbling up inside me for about 4 years, but never put the words on paper before.

Figured it was time.

A WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT – Do not be afraid. Fear is from the enemy, not God.  If you have read/ heard something that has you scared of wheat, I encourage you to investigate it for yourself.  Anyone can write a book or a blog or have an opinion.  Often the sources used for arguments are limited and unreliable.  Do your research and be informed.

I feel like I first need to list the exceptions to my tyrant.


If you have celiac disease you can not eat gluten.  It is indeed poison to your body.  Approximately 1% of the population has celiac disease, so there is a small number of people who legitimately cannot consume gluten.

If you are “gluten intolerant” you too may not be able to eat gluten.  I say “may” because you may be able to tolerate some “low gluten” grains.


Sifted, separated, processed, stored, or otherwise denatured flour is not “whole grain.”  Even if the label, bag or container says it is.  The FDA has very loose standards when it comes to slapping a “whole wheat” label on food.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as “healthy bread” sold at normal grocery stores (that I am aware of).  Today, all commercial grain milling in the US is done by automated rolling mills which separate the bran and germ from the endosperm in the wheat kernel.  The endosperm is the white portion of the grain which is mostly protein and starch.  All of the minerals, vitamins, fiber, and fatty acids are found in the germ and bran (which is removed).

Most people think when they purchase “whole wheat” products they are buying “whole grain.”  This is not true.  Whole wheat flour and bread products are made by combining ground bran with white flour.  The germ is not used.  It does not contain the naturally occurring oils (for they would cause the flour to spoil faster).


“Fresh” means “Fresh.” When I say, “freshly milled flour” I am referring to flour that is purchased as whole-wheat kernels (grains) and ground into flour in your kitchen.  Freshly milled wheat contains as many as 40 vitamins and minerals!   If it was milled in a factory, store or mill far from your kitchen, unless it has been stored in a freezer since being milled, that flour is most likely void of nutrition.

In order to preserve the many vitamins and minerals found in wheat, the flour must be ground fresh and immediately used (baked) or stored in the freezer (to slow oxidation).  Once it is milled, flour loses its nutritional value in as little as 3 days if stored at room temperature (hello grocery shelves).  Flour goes completely rancid (at room temperature) in just a few weeks.


Healthy whole grains.  The grain should be grown responsibly (without the use of chemicals or hazardous products).

Did you know that there is NO genetically modified wheat grown in the United States?

“Wheat has NOT been approved for genetic modification in the US.  There is NO genetically modified commercially grown wheat in the US.”  -source

If you are confused, and this is the first time you are learning about freshly milled flour here are some articles that will introduce you to this amazingly healthy way of eating:

If you are interested in breadmaking you should consider joining the Membership Community.  You’ll get the entire breadmaking video course, receive access to the library of whole wheat resources and dozens of fantastic recipes that use fresh flour.  Learn more here.

If you are still with me, I’m assuming that you do not have celiac disease, are not gluten intolerant, and are pursuing a relationship with fresh baked bread.

Mmmm bread.

I am going to start with the Christian Perspective and at the end speak to the anti-bread point of view.

I am a Christian, so my view comes from the bible.  The bible teaches us that from the very beginning (with Adam and Eve) people were farmers.

Genesis 3:19 is the first mention of bread in the Bible.  Adam and Eve had just eaten the fruit from the tree that God told them not to.  When handing out consequences it is interesting what God says to Adam:

“By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread”

This tells us that at the very beginning, at the fall, Adam was eating bread.

Adam and Eve’s first son Cain was called “a tiller of the ground.”

This also indicates that from the start, man was indeed farming.

The account of Abraham and Sarah in Genesis 18:6, also mentions that they made bread from flour.

I believe the Bible, and it tells us that since the fall of Adam and Eve people were farmers.  Growing crops, baking bread and not just “hunter-gatherers.”

We also know from the Bible that God gave us food, including bread, to nourish and care for our bodies.  God knows what nutrients are needed by the human body for a healthy life and He gave us many wonderful things to eat, including bread to supply those nutrients.

Bread is mentioned over 450 times in the bible.

Here are a few:

  • Matthew 4:4 – But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
  • Ecclesiastes 9:7 – Go thy way, eat thy bread with joy, and drink thy wine with a merry heart; for God now accepteth thy works.
  • Matthew 26:26 – While they were eating, Jesus took some bread, and after a blessing, He broke it and gave it to the disciples, and said, “Take, eat; this is My body.”
  • John 6:35  – Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; he who comes to Me will not hunger, and he who believes in Me will never thirst.
  • Matthew 6:11 – ‘Give us this day our daily bread.
  • II Cor 9:10 – Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness;
  • Genesis 3:19 – By the sweat of your face You will eat bread, Till you return to the ground, Because from it you were taken; For you are dust, And to dust you shall return.”

I find myself constantly defending my choice to eat grain.  There are so many experts, specialists, and food-savvy people writing books, making claims and creating fear in the general public’s hearts.


  1. We have decades of scientific proof that show how good whole grains are for our health.
  2. Wheat is not approved for genetic modification and there is NO GMO wheat grown commercially in the US.
  3. I am going to listen to God, not the latest gluten-free book/ blog/ trend.

The Bible is my ultimate authority and I believe what it says, not what man says.

God gave us grain.  He said it was good.  I believe Him.

We can be still and at peace and know that when God gave us bread, he gave us good food to nourish our bodies.


If you are concerned about growing/ harvesting/ storing methods, simply purchase organic products.  You can feel good about the food you are eating and by definition, organic products can never be genetically modified.

I do buy responsibly grown wheat from Wheat Montana.  They do not have the organic seal but are very sound-minded and health conscious in their wheat production.


If you chose to avoid bread or grain I support you.  I think a healthy diet can be achieved without grains (celiac sufferers have been doing it for decades).

I am not trying to force anyone to eat bread.  I simply want those people who chose to enjoy bread to rest soundly that it is indeed a good food that God made to nourish our bodies.


I am leary of any Eating Program that eliminates entire food groups, especially ones that God declared were good for us.

Eating styles that compile most of the “healthy eating” department of book stores today come from a “hunter-gatherer” point of view.

This is an evolutionary perspective that believes humans have been hunter-gatherers for most of history and only recently began to farm (thus they believe farming wheat and making bread is a recent development that is wreaking havoc on our systems).

We must remain sober and educated.  I do believe that our food and our world is broken. There are many things wreaking havoc on our bodies today, however, I do not think grain is the culprit causing our many health concerns.

There are many things wreaking havoc on our bodies today:

  • Pollutants in the air
  • Gasses in our environment
  • Refined Oils
  • Processed foods
  • Sugar
  • Fast food
  • Convenience foods
  • Corn Syrup
  • Overly sweet Beverages

And the list goes on and on.

I believe God gave us wheat.  He said it was good for us.

I love what my Father-n-law says,

“You are entitled to your opinion, even if it is wrong.”

I suppose the truth is, we believe what we want to believe.

Sending a hug!



PS:  If you want to learn more about milling wheat and baking bread you really should join.  I have been milling wheat since 2007 and one of the reasons I created the Premium Section of this website was so I could teach you how to make healthy bread.

Included with Membership:

  1. 9 Module Breadmaking Video Course
  2. Instructions how to buy whole grains
  3. Techniques & skills
  4. The Truth about store-bought flour & what no one is telling you
  5. AND dozens of delicious recipes that were developed for fresh flour!


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