Organic Gardening Summer (9) How to Identify, Locate, & Eliminate Squash Bugs (and their children) (Premium)

Organic Gardening Summer (9) How to Identify, Locate, & Eliminate Squash Bugs (and their children) (Premium)

Grow Your Own
Organic Gardening 
Summer Garden (9)
How to Identify, Locate, & Eliminate Squash Bugs (and their children)
This week is dedicated to my arch enemy - the bloody, squash bug.

I hate the things.  I have never had a garden without squash bugs.  Some years they are worse.  Some years they are butter.  But they are always around.

I've learned to successfully grow squash in spite of the little beasts, and I call that a win.

There are SO MANY approaches to dealing with squash bugs.  In this video, I will explore the top 8 methods to destroy . . .

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