10 Steps To Simplify Your Life – Part 2

10 Steps To Simplify Your Life – Part 2

We are in the middle of a journey to a simpler life.  If you made it through the first post, you are on the road to Easy-Street!

To recap, here’s the 1st Three Changes that have simplified my life:

  1. Delegate – Allowing my children to help me with the household work has saved me time, sanity and I feel it teaches them good work habits.
  2. Rise – Awaking early is never something I regret.  It always gives me a boost to my day and my spirit.
  3. Laundry – Doing a little laundry each day is a huge help to my overall workload around the farm.

Today, let’s talk sleep, margin, unapproved items, and redecorating!


Simplify Life TIP # 4

Go to bed.  It is so tempting for me to stay awake until it is late into the night hours.  This is another time when the house is quiet, and things are getting crossed off my to-do list quickly.  I have to be intentional about turning off the TV, the Ipad, or putting down the laptop and going to sleep.

There is nothing more wonderful than getting up 10 minutes before my alarm goes off refreshed and rested.  This can only happen if I go to bed at a reasonable time.

Simplify Life TIP # 5

Create a chore called “Unapproved items” and have someone do it every morning, afternoon and evening (you can have a different child do this each round).  I did not create this chore.  I got it from the book “Managers of Their Chores.”  It’s a great book.

Just think of all the free time you will have if you don’t have to spend 4 hours every day dragging everything your kids got out back to where it belongs.  They are the ones throwing their crap all over your nice clean house. Why not let them put it all away?

Just think how fabulous your home will look if it isn’t sprinkled with Ninja Turtles, stuffed puppies, plastic spy gear, library books and Pokemon Cards.

Unapproved items will change your life.

You’re welcome.


Simplify Life TIP # 6

Downstairs stay Downstairs.  Upstairs stays upstairs.  This rule means if it lives on the second floor of the house – it stays on the second floor of the house.  If it lives in the basement of the house – it stays in the basement of the house. It stays on its floor.  Unless otherwise permission is granted.

My kids like moving things.  I’m pretty sure they would move their beds downstairs into the living room if they could figure out how to do it.  If any of you have the problem of children redecorating and rearranging; this rule is helpful.

The person in charge of “unapproved items” will thank you for this rule.


Simplify Life TIP # 7

Don’t make too many commitments.  I have brought much unneeded stress into my life by promising too much.  This can be to family, friends, school, your church even your own children.

I have failed my kids in the past by giving them my word that we would do something that never happened.  Typically, it would be something out of my control preventing me from doing what I promised, but that is of no matter.  Even though it wasn’t my fault, I still did not do what I committed.

I love to prepare food for special occasions at church, make meals for friends, contribute in community out-reaches, participate in clubs, groups, and organizations.  These things can all be blessings as long as I don’t try to do too much.  Too much of a good thing (in this case) can be bad, and stressful, and complicated, and ruin my life.

I try to under promise and over deliver.



Simplify Life TIP # 8

Allow margin.  Not having margin in your life is an easy way to invite chaos, disaster and stress.  I love watching my kids play baseball. I love hearing my older children playing guitar.  I enjoy date-nights with DH (Dear Husband).

What I don’t enjoy is having something planned every evening, or every day.  In order for me to feel refreshed, caught up and stress free;  I need to be home.  When I don’t enforce boundaries and protect my down-time, my to-do list can be ever growing and never done.

Free time in my days, evenings, and life helps keep things simple and allows time for getting caught up,  resting and rejuvenation.

To recap, here’s the 1st 8 Changes that have simplified my life:

  1. Delegate – Allowing my children to help me with the household work has saved me time, sanity and I feel it teaches them good work habits.
  2. Rise – Awaking early is never something I regret.  It always gives me a boost to my day and my spirit.
  3. Laundry – Doing a little laundry each day is a huge help to my overall workload around the farm.
  4. Go to bed – Making sleep a priority makes me a better (and happier) mommy.
  5. Unapproved Items – the best chore in the world.  Assign someone to tackle this daily to keep your home clutter free.
  6. Upstairs/ Downstairs- Keeping the furniture (and everything else) in it’s floor is a sanity saver for me.
  7. Don’t over commit – It’s OK to say, “no.”
  8. Allow some Downtime – I cherish and love afternoons with nothing to do.  These times are precious.  Life is busy.  If I don’t protect my down time my days get filled fast.

There’s 2 more tips on the way.  To read all about them go here.

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