What do You do When You’re Not Milking the Cow?

What do You do When You’re Not Milking the Cow?

My Other Life.

Depending on how long you’ve been reading along you may or may not have heard that we own a Pawnshop.

The Pawnshop could have it’s very own blog.  You can’t imagine the stories, characters and merchandise I have seen at our Pawnshop. There is never a boring day.

I’m not planning on starting a Pawnshop Blog because I love cows not Pawnshops, but I thought you might want a little peek.

Technically, my husband owns the pawnshop.  I am just sleeping with the owner.

DH has been running pawnshops since 1992.  I am married to a walking encyclopedia.  No matter what it is, DH can tell you what it is, what it’s worth and how much he’ll give you for it.

Wanna see our store?

I knew you would, so I took some pictures for you!

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Pawnshops are great places.  If you’ve never been in one, you should go.  It’s an excellent place to find unusual items and great prices.

Here’s some of the items typically found in pawnshops (at least in the ones around here):

  • Jewelry
  • Tools
  • TV’s, DVD players, stereos, electronics
  • Musical gear and equipment
  • Game systems, consoles, accessories and video games
  • Laptops, computers, tablets and all things gadgety (like Kindles and DS’s)

AND Guns, bows & ammo (if the pawnshop has an FFL).  We do!

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There’s DH in the music department.

Yes, he is wearing a gun.  He is the owner, operator and security department at our Shop.

Fun Fact:  I have my concealed carry license.

If you don’t have your concealed carry (and can get one in your state) we think it is a privilege and honor to do so.

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Our store is located in the country and folks who live out in the country around these parts like guns…….  So, consequently, we have quite a few guns.

Our goal is to help our community through our business.

Pawnshops can be cool places.

Our goal was to build a place where people could come for help or find a good deal.

We sell pre-owned (and sometimes new) merchandise at low prices.  We have a money back guarantee so our customers are always happy.

We provide short term collateralized loans.

AND the jewelry!

We have so many pretty pieces at crazy low prices.

Because we are a pawnshop our store contents are constantly changing.  Every month we have new merchandise.  I love this about the shop.

We try to be more than just a retail store or pawn shop.  Our goal is to help people.

We even give away Bibles and pray for customers.

I really try to avoid the gun department as much as possible.  I would rather show you computers and jewelry.

Unfortunately for all the cowboys, cowgirls and gun enthusiasts who visit our store, I do often end up showing the guns.

The customers are usually sweet and accommodating since most of them know that I’d rather show them jewelry.

Tips to follow if I happen to be waiting on you in the gun department:

  1. Point to it.  I may not know the manufacturer, name, model, or caliber but I can find the second gun from the left.
  2. Don’t ask me how to disassemble and reassemble your gun (or any gun for that matter).  I know how they work and how to use them, but assembly is not my forte.
  3. Don’t ask me how many rounds it holds, if we have an extended clip, if we have a holster that will fit it or if we have any ammo for it.  Actually, go ahead and ask me & I’ll ask DH for you.

If you are ever in Lagrange, KY – you should stop by and say, “Hi!”  Our store is called 5 Star Pawn.

Here’s the address:

5 Star Pawn

418 S 1st Street

Lagrange, KY 40031


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