Creamy Potato Soup

Creamy Potato Soup

Creamy Potato Soup

My oldest daughter loves soup  Especially the creamy kind.

I make some rockin’ creamy potato soup.  It’s kinda funny.  It usually comes from leftovers.

I make a roasted chicken one day with a side of mashed potatoes.  The next day I take all the bones and leftover parts from the chicken carcass and boil it with some veggies & seasonings.  This creates a wonderful pot of rich, healthy bone-broth.

Once the broth is done I combine 2 parts mashed potatoes and 1 part broth.  Finish it with a splash of cream and serve it with toppings (grated cheese, bacon bits, chives, sour cream).

It’s so easy!

If you don’t have a quart of mashed potatoes in your refrigerator or any chicken broth, there’s another way to make creamy potato soup.

This is the direction I’m going today! 

From Scratch Baby

Beginning to end.  Because I love my daughter and she wants this soup for her birthday.

Here’s what we’re going to do:

  1. Make some broth (store-bought works fine too)
  2. Make some mashed taters
  3. Add broth to the potatoes
  4. Finish with cream & Serve!

See that purple meat? Yup, that’s a rooster.

Start by tossing a rooster into your biggest pot with some veggies.


Ya see, layer chickens (those who are bred to lay eggs) do not make nice chicken dinners.  They are purple, lean and tough.  No matter what you do to them, they are just not that great.

HOWEVER – they make great stock and stews.

I never waste an animal around here, so when we need to thin out the rooster population (when you let hens raise a clutch of eggs, you get roosters) I use the roosters for stock.

In he goes with carrots, celery, onion, garlic and some seasonings (Season salt, celery salt, pink salt – 1 teaspoon each, and a bit of pepper).  Cover with water (1 gallon) and simmer for 4 (or more) hours in his hot tub.

Now that the broth is done, strain it.  Save the carrots and debone the chicken meat for future use (chicken pot pie, chicken & dumplings, chicken salad, etc).

Now, let’s cook some taters.

Take 4 lbs of potatoes and peel ’em.  Lop them into large chunks and toss in a large pot.  Cover with water and boil on the stovetop until fork tender.

When done, strain off the water.

Add the butter and milk to the hot potatoes.  Let sit until the butter begins to melt.  Use an electric mixer to mix the potatoes with milk and butter.  Don’t worry about getting out all the lumps.  Lumps are great in potato soup!

Add the sour cream and salt and mix again.  Now, these are the best mashed-potatoes ever.  But we aren’t done yet.  It is time to turn these creamy spuds into a bowl of potato soup!

This is so easy – are you ready?

Pour the chicken broth right into the pot containing the mashed potatoes.

Stir this up with a whisk or wooden spoon.  Don’t use the electric mixer or you will lose all the lovely clumps.  And I like lumps in my potato soup.

You can totally customize this.  If you like your potato soup thicker, just add less broth.

See the wonderful chunks?

Stir in a little cream (heavy) before serving.

Serve with your favorite potato toppings:

  • Sour cream
  • Chives
  • Bacon Bits
  • Grated Cheddar Cheese

That’s it!

This is so yummy!

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Print Recipe
Creamy Potato Soup
So creamy and perfect. It's hard to believe it's this easy.
Recipe Notes

To make your own broth:  toss a small chicken (or rooster) into your biggest pot with 4 carrots, 3 stalks celery,  1 onion, 4 cloves garlic and some seasonings (Season salt, celery salt, pink salt - 1 teaspoon each - more to taste) and a little pepper.  Cover with filter water (1 gallon) and simmer for 4 (or more) hours.

When the broth is done, strain it.  Save the carrots and debone the chicken meat for future use (chicken pot pie, chicken & dumplings, chicken salad, etc).

To Make the Potatoes-

Take 4 lbs of potatoes and peel 'em.  Lop them into large chunks and toss in a large pot.  Cover with water and boil on the stovetop until fork tender.

When done, strain off the water.

Add the butter and milk to the hot potatoes.  Let sit until the butter begins to melt.  Use an electric mixer to mash and mix the potatoes with milk and butter.  Don't worry about getting out all the lumps.

Add the sour cream and salt and mix again.  Pour the chicken broth right into the pot containing the mashed potatoes until the soup is the desired consistency.

Stir this up with a whisk or wooden spoon.  Don't use the electric mixer or you will lose all the lovely clumps.

Stir in 1 cup of cream (heavy) before serving.

Topping ideas:

  • Sour cream
  • Chives
  • Bacon Bits
  • Grated Cheddar Cheese
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