Memberships & Sheep!!!!!

Memberships & Sheep!!!!!

Hello friends!

We got sheep!  And they are precious!  And we LOVE them!

As I tell you a bit about what is going on here on the blog, I’m gonna share some pictures of the newest members of the farm family.

Agnus & Miller, our ewes

You may or may not have noticed that I have started an entire new world within my blog for Members Only.

This brings all sorts of reactions and responses.  Some folks are thrilled.  Some folks are a little disappointed.

I completely understand.

The new Membership section of my blog is definitely not for everyone.  This is where I am going to get really detailed with my friends who want to go there with me.

Why I Started a Membership Program

ONE:  I am at a point with my blog that I have to fish or cut bait.

The management and writing of the blog is something I enjoy, but I can no longer do for free.  I write for other publications (that pay me) and I need to focus my time where it makes the most sense. I love this little blog and sharing my life with you.  My desire is to find a way to do both:  keep the blog & pay the hay bills.  🙂

This is pretty much how the memberships got started.

TWO:  For Weird People like me

I am a bit unconventional.  Not many people want to grow their own food, milk their own cows or make all their bread products (from wheat berries).  In the membership section I am going into details and to weird places that most people never consider going.

DH says that we “went off the deep end” a long time ago.  I wanted a special section of my blog for those of you who would like to join us.

My little shepherd!

THREE:  So folks can give back

Believe it or not, the world is filled with wonderful people who just want to help others.

There are so many of you that have generously donated to my blog.  You have sent me precious letters with your contribution.  You have given back to me in response to your thankfulness.  This humbles me and makes my heart leap.

When folks have sent monetary gifts it almost always includes a note that says something like, “keep doing what you’re doing.”

The membership program gives anyone interested an avenue to contribute to what I’m doing here.  If someone would like to help me continue to share my life – they can!

FOUR:  To provide Instructional Videos and Content

I sent out a survey a couple of months ago about a bread-making class.  I received many comments, notes and private emails from people everywhere who wanted to participate in the webinar.

After much research I found that:

  • Webinars are expensive.
  • Webinars do not work when you live in the country with terrible internet.
  • Webinars need special software (that is also expensive)
  • Scheduling a webinar can be difficult (a time that works for some, may not worK for others)

The membership program gives me an avenue to offer the bread-making classes.

FIVE:  Because Blogging isn’t Free

True ‘dat.

Blogging costs money.  I don’t want to bore you with the details, but starting a blog, managing a blog, hosting, registering, domain names, plugins, widgets, email clients, SSL and everything else take cold hard cash.

I have been blogging and not making money for 3 years.   When I write for magazines or other blogs I get paid. When I write for my own blog, I get nothing.

SIX:  There’s Still Bunches of Free Stuff

I am not making my entire blog a membership site.

I am not taking away any published recipes or previously free content.

I am still posting free content for anyone to read.

I am just adding a new Membership Section to the already existing blog.

It’s groovy.  If you want more – you can join.  If you don’t – don’t.

SEVEN:  I’m not gonna sell you Oils

Ugg.  It’s hard to read a homesteading/ healthy living blog today that isn’t selling essential oils.  It kinda drives me batty and I don’t want to be that girl.

I seriously considered it.  Like, seriously.  I looked into selling essential oils.  I looked into selling Norpro.  I looked into selling bread-making supplies.

I still may decide to add some products to my blog, but for now, I just don’t feel it.  I don’t want to feel like I need to “push” products.  I also don’t want you guys to feel “pressured” to buy anything.

With the memberships I don’t feel like I need to constantly “sell” anything.  You guys can join if you want & I will love you either way.



I thought long an hard about the cost.  All the memberships sites that I love are between $10 -$20 per month.

As I decided on the cost for my program I acknowledged several things.

  1.  I want everyone to be able to afford it.
  2. I am not trying to get rich.
  3. The program is just beginning – When I have 100 Premium Recipes, an entire Bread-making University and several eBooks in the Program the value will increase.

I hope you guys will understand why I have decided to add the Membership Program.  I hope some of you will consider joining.  Right now it is only $4.99 per month.  This is the introductory price since I am currently building it.

The fun part about joining now is that I am putting up new content almost daily.  If you like learning or reading or following along you will definitely be able to get your fill.  LOL!

Love to you all!




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