How to Buy Healthy Eggs

How to Buy Healthy Eggs

How to Buy Healthy Eggs.

Between the low egg production due to winter (we don’t have a light in our coop) and the egg-eating opossum, I have invading my coop.  I have found myself standing in front of the egg section of the grocer.  I am happy that the current opossums like to eat eggs and not chickens.  It could be worse.

I am working on trapping the annoying varmint, but he hasn’t taken the bait yet.

So, to market, to market to buy some eggs.

At least, to try to buy eggs.


Will the “real” eggs please stand up?

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I haven’t scrutinized the egg section of the grocery in…… a while.  I just wanted some eggs.  I wanted them to be similar to the ones that come from my coop.  Free chickens.  Eatin’ bugs.  Scratchin’ dirt.  Roaming the homestead. To learn about our free chickens go here.

That’s not what I found.  eggs 2

I found cage free organic eggs.

Unfortunately, “cage-free” has some vague guidelines.  “Cage-free” can mean that there are 2000 hens squashed in a barn – just no cages.  “Cage-free” can also mean they never go outside.  I’m sure there are folks out there that raise “Cage-free” chickens that are happily enjoying life…. but just because the carton says, “cage-free” it doesn’t mean they are roaming the countryside eating what chickens naturally eat.

That’s all I’m sayin’.  eggs 3

Vegetarian fed?  Chickens eat all sorts of things that aren’t vegetables when they roam free.  Like:  bugs, insects, beetles, grubs and lots of other delicacies.  I’m not sure I want “vegetarian fed” eggs.

They boast no animal by-products, no added hormones – that’s good.

This particular brand didn’t mention cages, which makes me suspicious.  I’m sure I could go to their website & learn more about how their chickens are kept – but I’m just trying to buy some eggs, so if it’s not on the carton, I don’t know.
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Omega- 3.  I know this is a hot button right now and folks want to increase Omega-3 in their diet. I want Omega-3 also.  I just don’t know if these are the eggs for me.

My understanding is that in order to get these Omega-3 eggs – the chickens were fed a “feed” that was high in Omega-3.  This package also boasts “vegetarian fed.”  They aren’t fed hormones which I like.  But – were these guys caged?  Free?  pastured?

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How about these?  I can’t really gather from the carton if these were free, caged, or otherwise.

“Fresh, large, Vitamins, Omega 3, Less fat, Most trusted, vegetarian fed”

There’s lots of writing on the carton – but I can tell how the chickens are kept.  It’s a mystery.  eggs 7

I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say these are from the sad chickens living in (caged, unhappy, cramped) CAFO’s.

Side thought:  I wonder if these are the same chickens I see flying down the highway with their heads hanging out of the cages & a trail of feathers trailing behind the semi?  Poor chickens.

If you happen to own a CAFO and your CAFO is a happy place where animals have room, and grass, and a life other than their cage – please know I am not talking about you.  I’m talking about the chickens who live their entire lives crammed in a little cage with other chickens.  Sadness.

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No, this isn’t an egg I want to eat.  I want a whole egg.

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These may not be perfect – but I’m gonna buy them.  I need eggs and won’t see my girlfriend who has chickens for a few days.

The Wandering Hen Eggs:

  • Free-range
  • No antibiotics
  • No steroids
  • Free to roam in or outdoors

Even though the carton says vegetarian fed, I am gonna assume that if they are really roaming free, they may be eating some bugs & grass & other chicken-y things.  I realize their “outdoor” area may not be the “outdoor” area I have in my mind; but I feel like these are the best option from this grocery.

If I could get to a friend with fresh eggs, a farmers market, or a roadside stand that would be my first pick.  I need ice-cream and it’s winter and there are not a lot of fresh-egg options for me today.

So, these will do.

If you want to make ice-cream – you gotta have eggs (actually, I need 16 egg yolks).  Yum!  Ice-cream!

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  1. Dawn
    • Candi

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