Attention Sticky Bun Enthusiasts

Attention Sticky Bun Enthusiasts

Greetings and Happy Easter Everyone!

A couple of notable tidbits you may find valuable this afternoon.


If you are heading to the kitchen to bust out some super-sticky, pecan-infested sticky buns you should know that the dough does have eggs in it.

 3 of them actually 

I take full responsibility for the missing eggs, however I am quite suspicious of my current “handy-dandy, recipe app.”  It removed the eggs from my Challah bread last week and it removed them from my sticky buns today.  And DUDE, I put the dang eggs in it.  I think my recipe formulator has an egg allergy.

So, I have crammed all the eggs back into my recipes & reposted them so you can make sticky buns (and Challah bread) that will be perfect.

The Improved, egg-adorned recipe here.

Challah bread recipe here.


It’s a glorious day and DH has been home from the pawnshop for the past 2 weeks doing farm work.  Do any of y’all have husbands that stay home or work from home?

Well – I usually don’t.  I usually have the entire house to myself until approximately 5:30 every day.

Let me translate this for you:

Homeschooling, scratch cooking, cleaning, laundry, gardening, milking, etc etc etc.

My house looks like a bomb went off in it from the moment the first child rises until 5:00 every day.

At exactly 5:00 every afternoon we sound the alarm…

DH home in 30 minutes!!!!!!

This is when we scramble to our posts and perfect the land we live in for DH’s blessed arrival.

Having him home ALL DAY LONG has not changed my MO.  My home is still a disaster all day and I don’t care.

He has been a part of every waking moment of chaos for almost 2 weeks straight.

How does he like it?  He’s exhausted.

How do I like it?  I want him to retire – I love having my man home all the time.

So blessed.

The fun ends Monday.  DH is going back to work and I’ll be back to flying solo with the kiddos.

Have a great Easter!




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  1. Anonymous
    • Candi

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