6 Lies I was told Before I Got My Cow

6 Lies I was told Before I Got My Cow

There is nothing like owning your own milk-cow.

I like my chickens.  The ducks are adorable.  The pigs are…. well,  pigs.

The cow is in a league of her own.  Before we purchased our milk cow we were “warned” by everyone.  Believe me, when you get out in the country, there is no shortage of opinions or advice……. unfortunately.



Some of the things we were told before we got our cow are listed below.  See if you can spot the lies.

  1. That we’d be “married” to the cow
  2. That owning a dairy animal was not for “Hobby Farmers”
  3. That we’d never be able to leave the farm
  4. That owning a cow was like being in prison
  5. That a cow is a really large animal (seriously?  like we don’t know cow’s are big?)
  6. That we’d have to milk twice a day, at the same time EVERYDAY. (Duh)
  7. That cow’s eat a lot of food
  8. That we could buy milk at the grocery store
  9. That we had gone off the deep end………….. again.
  10. That if we do get one – can they buy some butter?

Some of the advice was true,  some was a matter of opinion.  Much of the unsolicited advice turned out to not be true for us.

The truth is….

faith 2

I can not begin to tell you how happy I am that no one scared us out of getting our cow.  Yes, she’s huge.  Yes, we milk her every day.  Yes, it’s a commitment.

Yes, I want to keep her forever.  My life is better with a cow.


How my Cow has made my life better-

  • She provides structure to my days.  Everyday I milk the cow at the exact same time.  This ensures that my day starts on time, early, and consistently.  Without a cow I am all over the place with my morning routine.
  • Because of her I get exercise everyday.  If you don’t think having a milk cow is a workout you should try it.  There’s the walk to and from the field, the milking, the cleaning, the feeding, the mucking, the sweeping, the straining, and the skimming.  Lots of exercise.
  • Everyday I get fresh air.  I have to go outside and care for the animals no matter how stupid it is outside.  Freezing, raining, snowing – the cow must be milked and fed.
  • I always have fresh, raw milk.  Home dairying makes me giddy with happiness.  The probiotics.  You won’t need to eat that yogurt or take probiotic pills anymore.  Fresh, raw cow’s-milk is full of beneficial bacteria as well as CLA (Conjugated Linoleic Acid).  CLA is a superfood that you want in your diet.
  • My cow saves me money at the grocery.  I don’t have to buy milk, cream, butter, cheese, buttermilk, yogurt, sour cream, whip cream, or ice-cream…..  EVER.  Happiness!
  • Because of our raw milk, my children no longer get allergy shots.  I have 2 children with severe seasonal allergies.  Once we got our cow, they no longer needed their allergy shots.  The cow is in the pasture eating all the grasses, weeds, mold and allergens that send my children into hives and sinusitis land.  When we drink her milk it is like a natural allergy shot.
  • Less frequent illnesses.  It is no shock that we are healthier since we started drinking raw milk from our cow.  She has absolutely improved the healthy of our entire family.
  • Companionship.  If you want a friend, and some fresh milk – get a jersey cow.  Our jerseys love people. When she hears us she comes to greet us.  If anyone is near her field she comes over to them hoping for a little scratch behind the ears or a treat.  If you are in her pasture you will have a cow in your lap.  She’s a doll.
  • Life Skills.  Because of our cow I know how to milk an animal by hand and with a milker.  If all the grocery stores closed we would still have ability and resources to get all the dairy products we want (as long as we have a fresh, dairy animal).
  • She reminds us where food comes from.  I love that my children know where milk, eggs, butter, cream, meat, and vegetables come from.  And it’s not Kroger.  crumple
  • Last but not least,  she gives me baby cows.  Milk-cows who are bred back after calving will produce at least 1 calf each year.  Calving time is almost as exciting as Christmas.   The calves can be used for food, for a future dairy animal, or for income.

I have never regretted getting a milk cow.  I am blessed to be able to spend time with my sweet cow every day.  She has given so much to our family. Our health is better because of her.  Our life is better because of her.  I am so grateful for our sweet cow, Faith.  I tell her all the time.


Thanks Faith!

We love you Girl!

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