5 Herbs to Plant now

5 Herbs to Plant now

5 Herbs to Plant now for a Fall, Winter & Spring Harvest

Although it is a bit late to get those veggies in for a fall harvest in most areas of the country, you can get some herbs in the ground.

I was admiring some perfect pots of cilantro and oregano yesterday at my nearest garden store.

Some herbs will not only grow well in the frosty months to come, they will actually flourish!

In November when my garden isn’t generating very much in the produce department, there is always a plethora of herbs to season all my favorite holiday meals.  I find it perfectly logical that herbs like:  thyme, rosemary & oregano happily grow, well into the beginning of winter.  How else would the pilgrims have seasoned their feast?

Herbs are a great place to start if you aren’t a big gardener.  They are easy to grow and add SOOOOO much to your cooking.  No other ingredient can accomplish what fresh herbs can.

An added bonus to go with this little herb planting is that each one of these will [probably] come back next spring!  The cilantro is the only one that is not a perennial, BUT mine always reseeds itself so there is not only fresh cilantro in the garden in spring…. it is usually in the walkways, borders and neighboring beds.  Cilantro is amazing.

Herbs to plant in fall:

#1 Herb to Plant in Fall:  OREGANO

Oregano is a perennial that is easy to grow and will get bigger and better each year.

#2 Herb to Plant in Fall: THYME

Thanksgiving would not be Thanksgiving without thyme.  The turkey, the brine, the dressing… thyme is a necessary event.

I also like to scramble eggs with a little fresh thyme just for fun.  Mmmm thyme.

#3 Herb to Plant in Fall: ROSEMARY

This another beauty that must be available for Thanksgiving, Christmas and everything else in fall.  I love roasted potatoes with rosemary and onions.  I also love a rosemary pork roast.

Although I have been told that rosemary is a perennial, I have never had it survive a winter here in Kentucky.  It will grow and provide until late December so I still think it’s worth the investment to plant, but I always need to replant in spring.

#4 Herb to Plant in Fall: CHIVES

I believe most savory dishes are better with a few snips of chives on top.  They add color.  They add flavor.  They give that garden-fresh brightness without the over-powering flavor of raw onion.  I like it on my twice baked potatoes, omelettes, Spanish sausage, roasted potatoes and chutney dip.

After a few good hard freezes the chives will succumb to the cold – but don’t worry – they’ll be the first ones back in spring.

#5 Herb to Plant in Fall: CILANTRO

Good golly, once you get some cilantro going in your garden it is the gift that keeps on giving.  Cilantro can survive some astonishingly cold nights and keep on growing, multiplying and thriving.

If your temperatures really plummet, your cilantro will eventually die, but don’t fret!  It will reseed itself and give you baby cilantro plants next spring.

I adore this about cilantro.

Cilantro is a bit like kale, turnips and collards when it comes to winter.  It takes some really frigid temperatures to stop it.  I love having these cold-hardy plants in the ground in fall.  It may not be a tomato, but anything fresh from my garden in December makes me smile.

Happy Planting Everyone!




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